Tuesday, July 14, 2009


So right after work today we're leaving for UTAH!!
I haven't seen my new baby twin cousins and they are a year old now so Robert and I are venturing to Utah for a week to have a blast!
We plan on visiting some friends, family and even visiting the SLC Temple to do a session!! So we are completely excited. I will make sure to post lots of pictures and stories!


Pa & Ma Smyff said...

Emme- I believe we are coming out to Tooele on Friday night - so hopefully we will be able to hang out with you as well!!!! Can't wait to see you, just wish your Mom was coming too!!! :0) See you in a few days! Love, Aunt Nancy

Dave-Sherri said...

Just looked at your blog hope you are having a good time SLC Temple is amazing

Sarah Osborne said...

Visit me! Haha, I'm glad you're venturing back to the land of BYU :)